Stories from the Field
We talk to political scientists about what field research looks like on the ground. In each episode, we bring on expert guests to discuss different ethical and logistical aspects of the field research process, based on the book we co-edited with the same title: Stories From the Field: A Guide to Navigating Fieldwork in Political Science (Columbia University Press, 2020).
Stories from the Field
Lessons from the Field: What We Love About Field Research (and this Podcast!)
Peter Krause and Ora Szekely
Season 1
Episode 13
In this special final episode, we weave together numerous lessons from throughout the book and podcast, from the value of unstructured time in the field to the surprising parallels between hosting a podcast and doing fieldwork. Using some of our favorite interview clips and book readings, we reflect on the excellent advice our contributors shared and talk about why we love field research. We also turn the mic on our producers! If you only listen to one episode from this podcast, this is it.
Producer: Harper Barbaree
Editors: Zeyad Anwar, Abigail Hamilton, Garrett Madden, Gabriel Wallen, Lila Zarella